Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First post

This is my first post, and I'm jumping in without introducing anyone to what I'm trying to accomplish. Breifly, my name is Daniel Nemec, and I'm studying for the CPA. I'm going to post things on this blog to sort of practice talking about what I've learned so far. If anyone wants to read or respond, that's up to them, but this is mainly for me to reinforce what I'm learning and maybe help a few people along the way. I will not just summarize, but I will dare to dig into the technical details of accounting treatments. I won't always be right (I am just learning this stuff after all), but that's where I reserve the right to go back and edit blog posts (you can help too).

I am on the Financial Accounting and Reporting section, and right now it's present value of bonds. I'm using 2009 Wiley CPA study material (yes I realize we're in 2010, but let's focus on bonds for now)...

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